Comparing Laptop Parts With Human Anatomy

laptop parts and human parts

Table of Contents

Laptop Parts Compared to Human Parts:

Have you ever thought of your computer or laptop as a human body before? Compare the parts in our biological human body to a computer? Does that sound creepy? Maybe a little bit. But it is also interesting to think about, right?

The human body cannot survive without some major parts and just like that laptops cannot operate without a few laptop parts in them. We care about our bodies because that is how we function, right? So wouldn’t it be interesting to see how computers function when compared to human bodies? Yes?

We got you covered. We recently had this idea to compare laptop parts to human bodies. So we went ahead and did that. Want to see what we came up with? Well, read on to find out!

Part One: The Heart – The Battery

laptop parts - heart and battery
The Heart with The Battery

The human body’s heart is similar to the laptop part Battery for a certain reason. Your heart is the organ that pumps blood that reaches the entire body to keep you alive and healthy.

Without it, well, you know what happens. You don’t function. Just like that, a battery of a laptop part gives the laptop the power source it needs to function. Without it, the laptop wouldn’t even turn on. But you know that already.

Batteries in laptop collect the power it needs for laptop to function so you can work or do anything you want in your laptop. A battery of a laptop can give you power for about 10 hours these days. But there are some newly launched laptops that are able to have power even after using it for 16 hours.

Part Two: The Brain – The CPU

laptop parts - brain and cpu
The Brain with The CPU

You know what a CPU is right? Just kidding. Everyone knows. But we are still gonna explain it so that we can compare it to the human part.

The CPU is one of the most important laptop parts that control the data, processes the data etc. The brain is the human body does the same, right? The brain plays an important role in thinking, processing, and everything logical. So of course the brain is compared to the CPU in the laptop parts. 

The CPU in laptop is the laptop part that gives instructions to certain parts. Whenever you want to do something with it, like launch game, run a software or an app, CPU is the one that executes the process for you.

Part Three: The Brain’s Short-Term Memory – RAM

ram and brain
Brain’s Short-Term Memory and RAM

Your brain’s short term memory is the reason you get to make the quick decisions that you do every day. Like deciding to read this blog about comparing laptop parts to the human body.

Similarly, RAM plays a very important role in helping laptops be active and store the data in the short term. That is why people always look for RAM capacity when buying a new laptop. If you didn’t know that, you do now.

RAM is where the data you access constantly from your laptop are stored so that whenever you wanna access it again, it can help. Laptops with higher amount of RAM run faster and work efficient than laptops with lesser RAM.

Part Four: The body – SSD

laptop parts - body and SSD
The Body and SSD

Let’s compare SSD and the human body now. A human body that is healthy and active can be compared to SSD (Solid State Drives). Because SSDs are fast, reliable and work amazingly.

Now let’s take a look at HDDs. HDD (Hard Disk Drives) is a traditional storage device that takes some time to read and write data. You can compare the HDDs to a human body that is not fit, unhealthy or not active. 

SSD is the modern storage device found in new generation laptops. SSD takes less time to read and write the data bein processed than HDD.

Also Read: HDD or SSD. Which One Should I Have On My PC?

Part Five: The Skeleton – Motherboard

laptop parts - skeleton and motherboard
The Skeleton and The Motherboard

Whether you are a computer major or not, you would know how important a motherboard is to laptop parts. It connects with all of the laptop parts and it can also be considered as the main reason why the laptop is working amazingly.

Similarly, the skeleton in our human body is the reason you are able to walk, move and do anything you want. Because it connects with all of the internal organs. So of course we compared it with the motherboard of a laptop.

Motherboard is like the central part of all the laptop parts. It allows all of the other parts to connect and communicate with each other. Without a motherboard, a laptop or a computer will not be same.

These are the major laptop parts that we thought of that are similar to our human body and internal organs.

Do you think the structure of the human body and laptop parts are similar? Do you think we take care of our bodies just as much as we take care of our laptops and vice versa? Well, let us know below!

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